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Are You Living a Blessed Life?

Take a look at the following list of 56 characteristics of a blessed life. Ask yourself how much each of these statements describes you, or not. Rate yourself as Poor, Fair, or Good for each of these statements. If you rate yourself as "Poor" in many of these statements, you have some work to do in moving toward a "Blessed Life."

Assessment of Your Characteristics for a Blessed Life

Determine to what extent this statement describes you at this time:

1) I am happy

2) I enjoy my life

3) I tend to smile a lot (as seen by others)

4) I find joy in almost everything I do

5) I regularly make time to have some fun in my life

6) I am at peace

7) There is minimal "suffering" in my life

8) I do not get very frustrated about the material things I want but do not yet have in my life

9) I feel prosperous in many ways

10) I am rarely in bad moods

11) I am rarely down and/or depressed

12) I do not worry very much

13) I am rarely angry at someone or something for very long

14) I am flexible and remain positive when events in my life go differently than planned

15) I am usually a patient person

16) I practice looking for the "good" in people and situations (vs. looking for the "bad")

17) I am pretty good at not letting "toxic emotions" control me

18) I have put most of the pain and problems from the past behind me now

19) Other people enjoy my company most of the time

20) I have an appropriate number of friends who seem to like me and care about me

21) There is someone or appropriate people in my life who love me

22) I rarely feel lonely

23) There are at least one or more people in my life that I love very much

24) I have a real attitude of gratitude for the good things I have in my life

25) I have very good health

26) I believe I live a very balanced life (mental, physical, spiritual)

27) I tend to live in the present and do not give excessive attention to the past or future

28) I am open-minded to new ideas and concepts

29) I usually get enough rest each day

30) I exercise regularly

31) I eat a healthy diet most of the time

32) I enjoy helping other people

33) I often help other people (actually do it)

34) I often focus on the needs of others more than myself

35) I often recognize and praise someone when they have done a good job at something

36) I often encourage others

37) I tend to put most of my attention and energy on what I can control versus what I cannot control or act on

38) I try to learn a lesson from each mistake

39) I listen more than I talk

40) It is easy for me to apologize when I am wrong

41) Forgiving others who have wronged me is easy for me to do

42) I bounce back quickly from my mistakes or setbacks

43) I am usually pretty productive each day

44) I rarely blame other people or circumstances for the issues or problems in my life

45) I am able to concentrate pretty well and keep my mind from unproductively wandering off topic

46) I try very hard to never tell a lie

47) I try very hard to never take advantage of someone else

48) I take pride in being an honest person

49) I truly believe I will eventually receive back whatever I send out into the universe (good or bad) "sowing and reaping"

50) God loves and cares for me

51) I believe my thoughts have creative power to direct my words, actions, and life

52) I am optimistic about my life and future

53) I understand my purpose in life and actively pursue it

54) I really believe God will work all things out for my good if I trust in Him and am obedient to what he directs me to do

55) I believe in Heaven and think I know what it takes to get there.

56) I live my life according to my beliefs.

Thank you for reading this post! I value your input so I hope you will take a moment to rate this material and comment on it below. I am a life coach who helps people "learn to how to live a truly blessed life." My posts fall into one of four categories: 1) Spiritual Law, 2) Christian Principles, 3) Servant Leadership, and 4) Life Lessons. Thanks again for reading and please share with your friends.

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May 03, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This list is really worth thinking about and acting on. it points out some areas in my life I need to work on.

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