Failure to forgive is fatal disobedience to God.
We are commanded to forgive people who offend us or do us wrong an unlimited number of times. It often takes wisdom, patience and obedience to overlook the offences of others. Sometimes this is described as “non-resistance” in spiritual law. Know that we will not be forgiven of our offenses (sins) unless we forgive others. Peter asked Jesus about forgiving someone 7 times in a day, and Jesus told him 70 X 7, which really means an unlimited number of times.
Highly important spiritual concepts are usually repeated in many places in the Bible. To “forgive” or “forgiveness” shows up many times depending on which translation you are studying at. Approximately one-third of those mentions are tied to forgiving others. Forgiveness is not optional; it is a command. Number of mentions in various translations:
KJV - 95
ESV - 109
NIV - 81
Contemporary English Version - 206
Know that there are negative consequences to unforgiveness. When you are constantly angry and walk in constant unforgiveness, you open spiritual and physical doorways for problems, sickness and disease to manifest in your life. Modern medicine confirms in many studies that anger, hate and bitterness lead to health problems. Unforgiving people are usually unhappy people.
Speak forgiveness out loud and do it quickly through an act of obedience even when you do not feel it. Know that human emotions often lag intellect. We know [intellectually] we are commanded by Jesus to forgive even when we do not emotionally feel like doing it. Just do it [decide to speak it out loud] as a conscious and obedient act of your will. Over time, the Holy Spirit will reconcile your emotions and bring you peace.
There are positive benefits of speaking forgiveness out loud. In spiritual law [sowing and reaping], when you send out the positive energy of love and forgiveness into the universe you will begin to attract positive people, things, and circumstances back into your life over time. You are usually the first one to be blessed when you forgive, whether the other person deserves it or not.
When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, He included forgiveness as a vital part of prayer. In the Lord’s Prayer [Matthew 6:10-13] we are instructed to ask God for forgiveness as we forgive those who have wronged us. Jesus then goes into more detail about forgiveness in Matthew 14 and 15. Know that God will forgive a repentant sinner who asks for forgiveness, but on the condition that they also forgive anyone who has sinned against them. Basically, if you do not forgive, God will not forgive you.
This begs an important theological question: If you do not forgive and God does not forgive you, does this mean that you will go to hell (not heaven) because of your unrepented sin of unforgiveness?
Repentance of sin is a big deal to God throughout scripture in the Bible.
Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we do not wrestle [battle] against flesh and blood [people] but against rulers of darkness [Satan and his demons]. It is important to realize that Satan is your real enemy, not people or God. People are simply tools, either in the hand of God for good to bless other people or in the hand of Satan to do his evil works and hurt other people.
Here is a simple analogy for you to consider: A hammer is a tool that can be used to either build up or tear down depending on the hand and heart of its user. It makes no sense to become either emotionally happy or angry at the hammer because it is only a tool. Realize that Satan is the evil operator in this world and people are his tools he uses for the destruction of God’s people.
I once heard this saying that I believe to be true: “Most problems in this world are caused by someone trying to feel important.” Modern examples of this concept include Putin, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Sadam Hussein, etc. These wicked people were all tools [pawns] of Satan that he used to steal, kill, and destroy the lives of millions of innocent people.
When something good happens to you, give God the credit and glory. When bad things happen to you, blame Satan and take your God-given authority over him to cast him out.
It is easier to forgive people when you realize that they are only tools [pawns] that Satan uses when he can. Be angry at Satan and forgive people as Jesus commands.
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Great advice and very Biblical. Far too many people are suffering because of their unforgiving bitterness against someone who hurt them. Remember, “Hurting people hurt people.”
This is really good advice to keep in mind. I like the hammer analogy. Thanks for sharing.