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Explaining the Trinity in Seven Words

Can you explain the Holy Trinity of God clearly and succinctly? Many Christians would struggle to do this if asked. Until recently, I was one of those who would struggle. The Bible clearly says we can ask for "wisdom" and it will be granted, so I asked the Holy Spirit for wisdom to help me understand the Trinity in a concise manner. Here's what the Holy Spirit revealed to me in seven words.

Father Creator

Son Savior

Holy Spirit Helper

God relates to His creation of humankind in differing personalities and characteristics. Here is a human analogy I can understand: Depending on who I am with, my personality takes on different characteristics. The things I talk about is often specific to my audience. Examples of different audiences might include: co-workers, friends, family, casual acquaintances, strangers. When communicating and interacting with each of these different groups of people, my personality may vary even though I am the same person.

We Christians are monotheistic (believe in only one God), but our God has a triune nature (three personalities) as He relates to us. It is important to know and remember that when we talk about the Holy Trinity, there is only God. Perhaps, it is us that need to relate to the three characteristics of our God: 1) our heavenly Father the creator and sustainer of the universe, 2) the Son (our Lord Christ Jesus) who saves us believers from our sinful human nature so we can be in right standing with God and go to heaven, and 3) the Holy Spirit who lives within us (believers) to help, teach, and comfort us as we live in this fallen world.

I am just a layman and not a formally educated theologian. If this explanation of the Trinity makes sense to you, please comment and let me know. If you disagree with my explanation or it makes no sense to you, please let me know that as well. My goal is to help advance the Kingdom of God on earth. If I am missing the mark, I need to know.

Thanks for reading my blog posts. They fall under four categories. 1) Spiritual Law, 2) Christian Principles, 3) Servant Leadership, and 4) Life Lessons.

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