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Goal Setting for God; B3/D Bless Three People per Day

Set a goal to bless at least three people each day (B3/D).

My goal is to help restore God’s blessings on our nation. My hope is that B3/D will become as widely known as “Pay It Forward” (book and movie) but applied and practiced much more widely and consistently.

B3/D involves setting a daily goal to bless at least three other people in some way. It applies the spiritual law of Sowing and Reaping (giving and receiving) in a simple and pragmatic manner. If millions of Americans would do this daily and live blessing minded, I believe God would return the spiritual blessings to our nation. Fundamentally, B3/D is a form of “goal-setting for God” and a practical way to love people as Jesus commanded.

Everyone needs something you have to give. Examples might include: a smile, a hug, friendship, reassurance, a compliment, encouragement, food, money, shelter, transportation, your time, your attention, your love, listening, sharing the Gospel, prayer, etc.. Some of the greatest blessings you can give cost no money and only a little of your time.

Jesus taught us the two most important commandments are to love God and love others as self. B3/D is a practical step in loving others by getting our eyes off ourselves long enough to focus on the needs of others. Spiritually, “helping is healing.” Joyce Meyer defines loving others as "having an unselfish concern for the needs and well-being of others and then acting unselfishly to meet those needs." I like her definition.

If millions of Americans would live blessing minded and pour out blessings (positve energies and good deeds) daily to others, I believe God would supernaturally return blessings back to us individually and collectively to our nation. B3/D can be a practical first step in putting Zacharia 1:30 into motion: “Return to me and I will return to you.” A fundamental principle in God's spiritual law is that "like energies attract like energies." If millions of Americans poured out positive thoughts, words, and actions every day, God will return those "like energies" to our land and bless us.

B3/D can be applied by people of all faiths or even no faith. Many people accept the concept that “what they send out into the universe will eventually return to them.” Blessing others has universal applicability in spiritual law and is not limited to just the Christian faith. B3/D puts a stake in the ground as a starting point to shift people’s thinking in the U.S. from so much negative focus to a more positive focus.

I carry three glass beads in the colors of red, yellow, and green in my pocket. These are my reminder to bless at least three other people per day, B3/D. Almost everyone understands the red-yellow-green concept. In the case of B3/D, if someone blesses one person or less, they are in the red zone for the day. If they bless two, they are in the yellow zone, and if they bless three or more people, they are in the green zone. Usually in life what gets measured gets done.

Join me in setting a goal to bless at least three other people each day and then do it. B3/D. Know that when you bless others, God's blessings will return to you in His perfect time and way.

Thank you for reading this post. I value your input so please rate and comment on this post below. My purpose as a life coach is to "help people learn how to live a truly blessed life." My blog posts fall into four categories: 1) Spiritual Law, 2) Christian Principles, 3) Servant Leadership, and 4) Life Lessons. Thanks again for reading and blessings to you!

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10 mai 2023
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I like the idea of the three beads as a reminder to B3/D. I hope this is able to gain traction across the US. Lord knows we need to return to God as a nation.

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