Many Christians say that Jesus is their "Lord and Savior"; however, for most Christians that is only half true. Many people trust Jesus as their savior enough to keep them out of Hell, but they don't really make Jesus the Lord of their lives by obeying His teachings and commands in their daily living.
FYI, in the four gospels, Jesus gave 50 commands to his disciples and followers. This list is easy to find on the Internet. Some lists have a slightly different number of commands, but I choose to use the list with 50. Jesus clearly stated that "If you love me, you will obey my commands." The Bible is pretty clear that God values or obedience more than our sacrifice.
Make time to study and learn Jesus' commands and teachings. Get them firmly planted in your heart and mind. Then do your best to apply those commands in your life every day. You will be blessed when you do as you align your life with the promises in God's Word. Make Jesus the Lord of your life as well as your Savior. Give more than lip service (cluckin') that Jesus is your Lord as well as your Savior. We are commanded to produce "good fruit of eternal value" in our lives ("the eggs"). Obedience to Jesus' commands can't help but produce good fruit.
So, stop "cluckin' about Jesus as your Lord and make it a reality. You will be glad if you do this because blessings will begin to flow supernaturally into your life.
Some of my later posts will talk more about the promises of God in the Bible for obedient believers. Thanks for reading this post. Please rate it below and share your comments. I welcome your feedback. My posts cover four categories: 1) Spiritual Laws, 2) Christian Principles, 3) Servant Leadership, and 4) Life Lessons. My goal is to help my readers learn how to live a truly blessed life.
Good food for thought!