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My "Game Plan" When Praying For Others

Many people don't actively pray for others in person because they have no idea how to do it.

There is no specific formula in the Bible for praying for other people. Many times the "laying on of hands" was part of prayer for others. Most Christians know it is the power of Jesus through his Holy Spirit that brings answers to prayer in God's perfect way and timing. Apostle James tells us "you have not because you ask not." God is honored when we confess our human weakness and depend upon Him to meet our righteous needs.

My wife and I served as "prayer warriors" for a while standing at the front of the congregation at the invitation call. One time I started thinking about "how" to go about praying for someone's needs in that short period of time. I prayed about this and asked the Holy Spirit for wisdom on this matter. The Holy Spirit gave me the following step-by-step "game plan" on how to go about praying for others with confidence, faith, and expectancy. Here is what I often say and do:

1. Tell me briefly what is going on. (seek first to understand)

2. What specifically are you asking God to do for you? (your need)

3. Do you believe God has the power to do this? (faith)

4. Do you believe you are worthy of God doing this for you? (feel deserving or not)

a. If “no” or “not sure,” remind them:

i. You a child of God that He created in His image

ii. He loves you unconditionally (no matter what your past is)

iii. As believers (in Christ Jesus) we are adopted into God’s family

iv. As a family member, you are an heir to God’s blessings and Kingdom

b. If “yes,” say: Good, you are worthy and God’s Word says He will answer our prayer.

5. Describe the Prayer of Agreement (Mathew 18:19-20) Jesus, the Creator and King of the universe, clearly gave his followers these promises:

19 “I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. "

20 "For where two or three gather together in my name (as my followers), I am there among you."

6. You and I have these promises from Jesus: that He is here with us, that He hears our prayer, and our Father in heaven will do what we ask.

7. So let’s go to the Lord in prayer for your need, as we stand in faith on the promises of Jesus and trust the Holy Spirit to bring the answer in God’s perfect way and timing.

8. Pray the Prayer of Agreement, asking God to meet this need in the name (authority) of His son Christ Jesus. (This part must flow as the Holy Spirit leads.)

9. Tell the person: Now I have some things for you to do after you leave here. (your homework)

10. I want you to get a picture in your mind (visualize/imagine) what it will look like when you have received what we have just asked for in prayer.

11. Next, I want you to think about how you will feel when you have received what we have asked for. (the good positive emotions you will feel)

12. Be sure to confess, ask forgiveness and repent of any sin in your life so there is nothing blocking your answers. (Note: Unrepented sin blocks blessings.)

13. Your daily homework is: to keep visualizing the image and feel the emotions of receiving what you have asked for. Read Matthew 18:19-20 regularly in your Bible to stand firmly on Jesus’ promises. Find other promises of God that speak to you and stand on those too. (Examples: John 15:7, John 16:23-24, Matt 7:7, James 4:2, James 4:3, 1 John 5:14-15, James 1:6-8, Mark 11:23-24, Gal 6:9, and Heb 10:35-36. Note: I have these scriptures written out on a sheet of paper and hand them to the person I am praying with. Make it easy for them.)

14. Thank the Lord in advance for hearing and answering your prayer, and stand in faith that the answer is already on its way. (Many prayers are answered through other people; God may be preparing them and their circumstances.)

15. Remember to praise and worship God every day for His love, grace, mercy and goodness given freely to you as a child of the most-high God.

Our God is a “faith” God who responds to those who seek Him diligently, not casually.

Thank you for taking your time to read this post. I value your feedback, so please go to the comments and rating box below to share your thoughts on this material. I am a lifestyle coach with my stated goal of "helping people learn how to live a truly blessed life." My posts fall into four categories: 1) Spiritual Law, 2) Christian Principles, 3) Servant Leadership, and 4) life Lessons. Thanks again for reading and blessings to you!

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May 12, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This game plan for prayer will help me as I overcome my fear and shyness in actually praying for someone. I think I can apply this plan with new confidence. Thanks for sharing.

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