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Sowing & Reaping ... Well known, but Seldom Practiced

You reap in life what you sow, good or bad. Believe it or not.

Do you believe these principles to be true?

  • Karma is real

  • You get what you give in life

  • What you send out into the universe eventual returns to you in some form

  • You reap what you sow in life, good or bad

When I ask people if they believe the principles listed above, many (if not most) say "yes." Some equivocate, but most people understand and believe these spiritual principles to be true. My next question is: "If you believe these are true, why don't you live your life by consistently applying them every day in every way?" Then I usually get a pregnant silence or an "I don't know" response.

Sadly, human nature tends to ignore what cannot be seen. The spiritual principle of giving and receiving is just not top of mind for most people. God gave man two sets of laws: physical and spiritual. Physical laws govern how mankind relates to the physical world he/she lives in. Spiritual laws govern how mankind relates to God. The results of physical law are observable, repeatable and immediate. The results of spiritual law are rarely immediate and often unique for each individual. Know that in our physical world spiritual law trumps physical law. Practically speaking, the energies in spiritual realm can cause molecules to rearrange and manifest in in the natural realm as well as in our life circumstances.

OK, so why the delay in manifestation of spiritual matters? Answer: God loves us and gives us time to get our act together. That's why bad people seem to get away with doing bad things, but only for a while. God's timing and justice will prevail, not always in this lifetime, but in the next one to come.

Native American Indians have an old saying that "A man's echo will return to him." This is yet another expression of Karma and/or sowing and reaping. If you go through life thinking, saying and doing negative and bad things, do NOT be surprised when these types of things begin to show up in your life circumstances and manifest in your physical world. To a large extent, you have the opportunity and free choice to shape the circumstances of your life, either good or negative, by the kinds of seeds you sow.

Use your God-given free will and go through life blessing others. Sow good physical seeds as well as good spiritual seeds every day wherever you go. It will pay you dividends as you will be the first to be blessed. You have choices to make every day. Stay conscious (top of mind) of the principle of Sowing and Reaping and its impact on your life. Choose to do as much good everyday as you possibly can. You will be blessed as you are a blessing to others.

Thank you for taking your time to read this post. I welcome and value your feedback and rating in the Comments Box below my other recent posts. Please share this post with others if you find it of value. My goal as a life coach is to "help people learn how to live a truly blessed life." My posts fall into four categories: 1) Spiritual Law, 2) Christian Principles, 3) Servant Leadership, and 4) Life Lessons. Thanks again for reading and many blessings to you!

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Jun 26, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Wonderful advice to keep "top of mind."

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