The human brain is where heaven and earth intersect.
Human beings are three-part beings with a body, soul, and spirit. The soul is man's brain with three aspects: 1) knowledge, 2) will [decision making], and 3) emotion [feelings]. Modern science and medicine tell us that the brain operates primarily with electrical impulses moving from one region of the brain to another in a highly complex manner. The brain receives, processes, and stores the electrical stimuli from our five senses [hear, see, touch, smell and taste] in either or both of the brain's conscious or sub-conscious levels.
In Physics 101 we learn that everything is energy in motion and vibration. Even things that appear solid, liquid or gas are really sub-atomic particles [neutrons, protons and electrons] in constant motion at different frequencies of vibration. Even light visible to the human eye is energy in motion. Obviously, electricity and lightning are energy in motion.
This author, who is a Christian, can conceive of the infinite God as energy vibrating at an infinite frequency. Everything below God is energy vibrating at a lessor frequency. This might include spiritual beings like angels, human beings, animals, and non-animate things like earth, water, wind and fire.
A fundamental spiritual law is that "like energies attract like energies." [sowing and reaping and Karma are well-known examples] Go with me for just a moment and consider that our human brain is energy operating in the physical realm and that in the spiritual realm God and spiritual beings are also energy, just vibrating at higher frequencies than humans, animals, plants and the many physical objects of the earth.
When we humans focus the energy of our brains on the spiritual things of God, we will begin to come into vibratory alignment with Godly principles and the many forms of God's spiritual law. By analogy, it is like we are "pairing" our energy with the energy of God to vibrate at a similar and compatible frequency. {see my post on Vibratory Attraction.} This is somewhat similar to pairing the Bluetooth frequency of two devices sending and receiving electrical transmissions at a specific radio frequency.
One of the God-given gifts for human beings is free will, which is the ability to make decisions and choices. This is a powerful gift, but it can also be a dangerous ability if we choose to make bad, ugly or evil decisions. There are blessings associated with choosing to align with God's spiritual laws. Conversely, there are consequences for choosing to violate God's laws, both his physical and his spiritual laws. Example: Imagine what would happen if you were to go jump off a tall building and violate the physical laws of gravity and inertia. Splat!
This author suggests that you should consciously decide and choose to align the energy in your brain with God's spiritual energy for the purposes of worship, prayer and doing good in this world. Blessings will begin to flow supernaturally in your life and circumstances when you "get paired" with God's supernatural laws. Know that God's spiritual law trumps physical law. It is important to think, say and do positive good things because those are what you will attract and manifest in your life. If you choose to think, say, and do bad, ugly and evil things, don't be surprised when those things begin to materialize in your physical life and circumstances.
You are in the driver's seat of your own life as you exercise free-will and decide what to align your brain's energy with. Choose wisely to focus and align your mind with the spiritual realm of God's laws and blessings. Over time, you will be glad you did.
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I really like what you are doing here. Keep it up. We really are created in the image of God. We are three in one as He is also three in one. Please continue your writing. I will encourage others to read as we follow Christ.
great food for thought